SIR - Regional minister Caroline Flint announced (T&A, December 13) that due to the need to build 55,000 new homes by 2026, some greenbelt sites have to be considered for destruction.

Her rationale for this is that families needed new homes and young people want to buy a home.

She says Bradford City Hall chiefs must hit the target of 2,700 homes every year set by the Regional Spatial Strategy.

There are a few things wrong with this picture. Firstly, how dare the unelected regional minister dictate to our elected officials of Bradford?

Some might question their competency, but they have been elected by us, while she was just appointed to fill some European regional strategy.

Her claims that people need homes would not be the case if we were not the immigration capital of Europe.

The Regional Spatial Strategy comes from the Regional Assembly, which the government has finally agreed to scrap as it doesn't work, so why then are they still making regional policy?

Again, I call on our "so called" leaders in City Hall to reject this regional strategy and save our green belt.

Jason Smith, UK Independence Party Bradford Chairman, Woodlands Avenue, Queensbury