SIR - So Councillor Mallinson is upset at the Bishop of Bradford's remarks concerning that hole in the ground known as the Broadway scheme (T&A, December 20).

He does have a point, in that the timing of the Bishop's criticism is bizarre. After all it's now three years since demolition occurred and since then nothing has happened.

Perhaps the Bishop should have made his remarks after 12 months, of non-activity or even left it for a few more years.

Instead of berating the Bishop, Councillor Mallinson and his associates should be examining their department's lamentable record of progress over the last three years.

During this time we have had no firm dates or proposals from Westfield as to when (if) this development is ever going to happen.

A few Portakabins have been erected but still no firm dates have been given. As I recall the centre was originally due to open during 2007.

I hope all your readers will have had a blessed Christmas and are looking forward to a prosperous New Year.

One thing's for certain, they won't be parting company with their hard earned money at the Broadway centre during the next year or two.

Donald H Watson, Hollybank Grove, Bradford