SIR - Councillor Mallinson seems to have taken leave of the season of goodwill to all and so, apparently, have several of your correspondents who haven't actually bothered to listen to what the Bishop of Bradford actually said when he spoke on television.

But why should we bother about the truth intruding when we're in the middle of a good old whinge?

The Bishop actually welcomed both the Westfield development and the need for a good park next to Centenary Square.

But in doing so he also expressed a deep sense of frustration about the interminable delays and the lame excuses offered by leading politicians who actually have responsibility for making certain that the improvements happen.

I suspect that in saying all of that the Bishop was speaking for about 90 per cent of Bradford citizens!

Rather than attacking him and being so precious about their pet plans, the Council's leadership ought to be listening to him and responding positively. Perhaps they can make that a New Year resolution.

Councillor the Rev Paul Flowers (Lab Great Horton), Superintendent Minister, Bradford - Great Horton Methodist Circuit, City Hall, Bradford