SIR - Councillor King is right to champion bus lanes.

A peak-hour car carries on average 1.1 people and three cars take more road than a bus, which only needs four people for more efficient use of road space than a car. In the peak hours buses are usually carrying over 40 people.

Some people will always need to use cars, vans or lorries. In order to keep them moving we need as many people as possible to avoid using cars at peak times by giving them the option of trains, buses, cycling or car sharing.

Without bus lanes the buses are held up too much to be an excellent option.

Of the 50 biggest cities in the UK, Bradford is one of the very few which are not using buses to successfully combat congestion.

If we allow congestion to get worse while other cities improve bus priority, our city economy will suffer as businesses will seek better places to operate.

Bus lanes are a much better way of dealing with congestion than unemployment!

Bradford's main bus routes are already very good, but they would be really excellent if they were stuck in traffic less.

Ray Wilkes, Secretary WY Campaign for Better Transport, Tower Road, Shipley