SIR - Your feature on the new St Trinian's film (T&A, December 18) was very much in the spirit of the pantomime season and those of us who so enjoyed the originals in the 1950s and 1960s might have a sense of deja vu.

Without prejudicing, the new cast will have to act their socks off to match Sim, Grenfell and the rest, I suspect.

Recently I found out that the creator of those dreadful girls, Ronald Searle, made many drawings of the terrible suffering he witnessed while a POW of the Japanese and felt his penchant for the ghastly never quite left him in his later amusing cartooning.

Rumour has it that the latest head, Miss Fritton (Rupert Everett) is based on Camilla someone or other but that can't be true can it?

Sid Brown, Glenhurst Road, Shipley