SIR - It was refreshing to hear the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, finally get closer to honesty when he referred to the Nativity Story as "a legend".

According to my dictionary, a legend is defined as: "a myth, a popular but unfounded belief".

Give him time and he might even start exposing the "parting of the sea", "water into wine" and the 'raising of Lazarus'' too.

And then we have his obvious successor, John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, a man with a "Bransonesque" approach to publicity stunts, yet who seems to have an underlying integrity born of his own struggles in his native land.

What a fascinating organisation the Church of England must be to inhabit.

Is it any wonder, therefore, that the ethereal Tony Blair has now found it necessary to jump ship and join the opposition?

But maybe that is more to do with swaying the votes of the Catholic states of Italy, Portugal, Spain, France and Eastern Europe in the forthcoming selection of a new EU President.

Cynical, me?

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon