SIR - When Tony Blair was PM he championed women becoming MPs at Westminster. Now he joins the Roman Catholic Church which fully disbars females from attaining the office of ordained clergy.

When PM he promoted family values, children and education. Yet he joins a church which insists all their clergy cannot marry. Consequently they cannot become parents, at least not legally.

Everything this man does is politically motivated, and I suspect this is a manoeuvre, towards his path of even higher office?

There are many people who believe his goal is to aspire to be the first President of Europe. Becoming a Roman Catholic switches him into the largest church group in the expanded Europe, where Protestants are in a minority.

Thus his new found allegiance endears him to the majority of countries who will vote when choosing the person for this high office. Every opportunity to this appointment will be vigorously supported by the Vatican - it would allude to the reinstatement of the Holy Roman Emperor.

Mr Blair could be crowned Anthony I.

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley