SIR - Having read through the City Centre Winter Guide printed by Bradford Council, which I picked up from my local library, I noticed a double page feature on religious festivals.

Diwali and Eid are explained, along with the relevant religious symbols, on half page ads.

The Jewish festival of Hanukkah is explained in a quarter-page feature, along with a picture of Manorah.

Then the Christian celebration of Christmas is explained, also in a quarter ad, along with pictures of Santa and a Christmas tree!

I went into the city centre - what remains of it - to do some shopping. I walked past the Town Hall and looked reassuringly for the Christmas banner across the main entrance - it wasn't there.

I looked around and found two weather-battered multi-coloured banners at below eye level wrapped around Christmas trees.

I eventually realised what they were meant to be.

I carried on regardless up to the Kirkgate Shopping Centre to look for the traditional nativity. It took me some time but I did manage to find it, facing sideways, tucked away at the side of a large snowy display.

Talk about no room at the inn'! How depressing.

Joan Hall, Otley Road, Bradford