SIR - Recently, I have been looking round shops in Bradford at various weapons for sale.

It is frightening the array of weapons that can be purchased, with no questions asked.

There are crossbows, so powerful that they can kill just as efficiently as automatic weapons. Swords can be bought in great diversity.

Some of the wicked-looking knives would put the wind up Rambo himself.

As the law stands, it is illegal to possess these weapons, but it is not illegal to sell them. Some of our laws leave a lot to be desired.

It is quite legal to possess cannabis seeds, but it is illegal to cultivate them.

A new piece of legislation on the news this morning - people using hand held mobile phones while driving could face two years imprisonment.

The person using a mobile while driving is not a criminal, but a fool.

If one can be imprisoned for two years for being a fool, then our parliament may break down. All in the House of Commons could be doing life.

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw