SIR - Mike Priestley's Past Times article about the Sun Inn at Cottingley (T&A, December 15) reminded me of my teenage years in the late Fourties when my mates and I used to visit that pub every Sunday night to listen to the brilliant blind pianist and customers with good voices singing great songs.

At that time, the pub opened at 7pm but to make sure you got a good seat it was not unusual to see a queue forming by 6.30pm.

You were able to get sandwiches and during the evening a man in a white coat' would move from table to table selling fresh cockles and mussels.

There was no piped music and thankfully, no would-be stars woefully trying to imitate their idols at karaoke. Of course, many had had one over the eight by closing time but I never witnessed any serious trouble.

Everyone appeared to have a good time. Those were the days.

David Rhodes, Croscombe Walk, Bradford