SIR - I am writing to tell you about a new book that I hope will be of use to some of your readers, especially at this time of year.

For most children, Christmas is a time filled with presents, excitement and - most importantly - the love and attention of their families. But for children separated from their parents, it's not always a happy time.

It can bring back difficult or traumatic memories and they may have moments when they feel angry, sad or worried about the future.

The British Association for Adoption & Fostering has published a new book called Morris and the Bundle of Worries.

Morris the mole has a big bag of worries that stop him sleeping. He is too frightened to tell the other animals until, one day, he finds a friend and realises problems are easier to deal with when you've got someone to talk to.

Adoptive parents, foster carers and, indeed, any adults looking after a "worried" child can read this book with young children to help them share and cope with things that may be troubling them.

This publication - and other resources for children and carers - can be found at

David Holmes, Chief Executive, BAAF, Kirby Street, London