SIR - Despite your paper's excellent publicity and fair coverage for both the Broadway development and the Park at the Heart, I was appalled to see the outburst on the television from two self-styled businessmen and self-publicists.

Their remarks were then further compounded by the ill-judged comments from the Bishop of Bradford.

It should be apparent from your coverage that the New Year will see substantial progress on the Broadway site, as the developers build upon their present £60m-plus investment, and start upon the next phase of their £350m-plus shopping and hotel complex.

In the words of Andrew Mallinson "the two detractors would doubtless even complain about having to feed a Golden Goose".

As for the Bishop's, he should do his homework more diligently. Nor should he overlook the fact that probably more people voted for the Heart in the Park than attend churches is his diocese on a Sunday.

Derek Green, Daleview Court, West Lane, Baildon