SIR - How pleasant in this present cold snap, to see a warmly smiling Councillor Hawarun Hussain, left, who is set to be our deputy mayor when Howard Middleton becomes Lord Mayor in May (T&A, December 14).

You rightly point out that this is both significant and encouraging in all sorts of ways and it could happen to no better representative of the Greens in the ward in which I live.

But the best smiles of all at the national political level must, of course, be the result of the remarkable debating skills of Vince (let's dance) Cable who is much too quick on his feet for Gordon it seems.

Not only did the Stalin-Mr Bean quip bring delight, a put-down over leadership followed!

Watching the Labour faces behind the PM trying very hard not to laugh reminded me of a poem I read many years ago about Horatius defending a bridge over the Tiber.

I think its author, Macaulay, noted: And even the ranks of Tuscany could scare forbear to cheer' as the brave Roman reached the shore.

Sid Brown, Glenhurst Road, Shipley