SIR - My first job was a Junior Sales in Busby's.

I worked on the scarves, lace, handkerchiefs and ribbon department on the ground floor. I had to start early to remove the dust covers, also to make sure everything was neat and tidy and folded perfectly.

One reader mentioned the barrels the cash went into and then upstairs to the room where the ladies sat and gave the change.

I remember once, when dusting, I opened the shoot and the duster disappeared. The Buyer, Miss Hillary, wasn't pleased, but we had a laugh later.

I remember the grotto, which was done by the window dressers. They started quite early in the year and we would keep having a sneak preview.

I then transferred to the record department. This was when the Beatles had just arrived on the scene.

There were two of us on the department and I remember Chris saying "I bet this will sell" and he ordered six boxes of 25 records.

The Buyer wasn't too happy, but we sold them all on the first day.

Those where the days. I wish we had shops like that now, Busby's, Brown Muff and Marshall and Snelgrove.

Janet Auty, Hawkshead Close, Bradford