SIR - I found reports suggesting either the merger or closure of some Remploy factories in West Yorkshire very sad indeed.

Politicians or civil servants behind this seem to forget just why they were set up in the first place, which was to help people - especially ex-servicemen - who were too challenged physically or mentally - often both - for mainstream employment.

As a former driver I have visited more than one Remploy factory across the country and always found staff there cheerful, willing and helpful, unlike certain supermarkets I could mention.

When these deserving people risk having their lives turned upside down as mere victims of balance sheets' drawn up by faceless bureaucrats, we have to wonder if there is any charity or goodwill left in this country?

Surely it couldn't be too difficult to keep all of them going with either government or local authority contracts for the products or services they provide.

D S Boyes, Rodley Lane, Bramley