SIR - If the developer for the Bingley project says he is proud as a resident of this ugly-looking building, he should move out of the district as he has no idea of what a small Yorkshire town should look or feel like.

It is no better than the Alcatraz across the road that we all hate. I wonder if the designers of these monstrosities are from the south by any chance?

I would rather have this project look like the so-called "ghettos" around the inner city where all of the beautiful Yorkshire stone has been cleaned up to improve the areas immensely - not to look like a pile of prefabs dumped on top of one another.

D Holland, Lower

  • SIR - Dr Kathy Tedd (T&A, December 12) expresses her dismay about alterations to Bingley.

I also regret the shoddy-looking designs of modern buildings in a town which I used to respect and cherish. In fact, I now regard the former "Thrustle nest of Old England" as the Throttle pest; newly blighted.

During the early Fourties I was proud to be a member of the LDV (Home Guard) and a firewatcher at the Town Hall and other lovely buildings, as well as a member of the Air Force Cadets, determined to do anything I could to protect Bingley.

Later, in the Sahara Desert, I used to scan the night sky and feel pleasure seeing the Plough and the North Star which family and friends could also see back in Bingley.

Now the town is being ruined and money which could have been wisely spent is being squandered.

Geoff Smith, Nab Wood Crescent, Shipley