SIR - I write to you regarding a grouse that may have affected many people at this time of the year.

Two days ago, I received a card from Royal Mail informing me that an item need be collected from Thornton Road sorting office because of insufficient postage the item could not be delivered.

On collection there was a charge of £1.24 to pay - which was duly paid.

I was also informed that several more items with the same hand-written address were also awaiting collection.

The item was a Christmas card which had no stamp on. The Post Office had placed a sticker on stating "unpaid postage 24p. Handling fee £1".

I ask the question; what handling fee, as the item had not been delivered - it was just left in the sorting office?

If the Post Office had hundreds of these what a fortune they will make when they are crying that their profit margins are down.

No doubt other readers will have met the same problem.

Norman H Barwick, Kingston Close, Wilsden