SIR - First, I read that at Leeds Bradford Airport a plane carrying people from outside the EU got mixed in' with one arriving from Ireland, and therefore passengers did not go through passport control - the second time has this happened.

Now I read that there was an illegal immigrant working for the past 18 months at the Home Office - on the front counter, no less.

This is the same government department responsible for leading the national effort to protect the public from terrorism, crime and anti-social behaviour.

The Home Office safeguards the borders, but 11,000 non-EU nationals are given permission to work by the Social Industry Authority.

We are having the same problem here in the States. People come over our borders, get all kinds of welfare, food stamps, and even social security, and have never worked a day in their lives in this country. Now it is happening to you too.

The whole system has to be revamped. New, experienced workers need to be checked out first and then hired.

I feel sorry for my grandchildren - I wonder if social security will be available for them and, if so, at what cost?

Diane Duguid, E.4th St, Deer Park, New York