SIR - I write again to congratulate Stage 84 for a Christmas show, fit for the Queen.

Val Jackson, the director must once again see how by running Stage 84 gives so much pleasure to such talented children.

I'm sure if anyone was passing the Chapel on Westfield Lane at Idle where the production was staged they would have thought they were in the West End of London.

The children smiled and sang their hearts out, with poems and drama sketches and dance routines as well.

What a difference Stage 84 gives to these children. The true dedication from not only the Stage 84 staff but the parents who are chaperones, runners and road safety team who give up their time to support their children.

A wonderful start to the festive season for everyone who started queuing from 5pm (show started at 6.30pm) to give their support to Stage 84! Well done.

Heather Green, Westfield Lane, Wyke, Bradford