SIR - A couple of points struck me on the letters page, (T&A, December 14).

Firstly, Malcolm Wood attacked the Government over Amanda Murphy's murder by an ex-prisoner who had been released two weeks early from prison.

I seriously dislike our partly-elected rulers and don't defend them, but if Mr Wood could forsee such an event, the Home Office could make great use of his services.

Secondly, Andrew Cope (Steering Group: Yorkshire for a Referendum), should tell us what his politics are, so we can see if he's just making mischief for the Government. What is wrong with leaving things to Parliament in our "representative" democracy?

The truth is that while the Government is only accountable to one third of those who bother to vote or - as Tory Lord Ashcroft recognises - a few hundred voters in marginal constituencies, the Government will drive through measures which the majority of the population do not agree with.

I seriously doubt whether disagreement over the EU could mobilise opposition to the extent that the Poll Tax did.

Mr Cope can rail against "unaccountable" British and foreign "EU Bureacrats", but we are used to domination by governments that are unaccountable to the majority. Plus ca change!

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildons