SIR - The global warming myth continued briskly at the UN conference in Bali.

Some 15,000 delegates from all over the world flew into Bali in private or schedule jet airliners to stay in air conditioned comfort in luxury hotels for more that 12 days.

While an enormous power station, just down the road, was filmed belching fumes into the air to feed this hot air fest, one can only imagine the amount of pollution and waste that was created.

Bear in mind this was just a small section of the vast army of scientists and hangers on whose wages are being paid by perpetuating the global warming fallacy.

It has been proved time and time again that the effect man has on climate change and global warming is so minute as to be irrelevant.

Yet still governments put this minor, unproved science at the top of the agenda in order to nag and tax us.

While our Government lectures us to walk to work, live in darkness and suffer hypothermia this winter, the delegates might have done better listening to the chainsaws at work nearby busily destroying the rain forests at an unprecedented level.

Malcolm Wood, Westercroft View, Northowram