SIR - A new book has just been published describing how the hearts of some of Britain's cities have been bulldozed unnecessarily by none other than their own planners and councillors.

Bradford is prominent in the book for destroying its Victorian heritage and Kirkgate Market, razed to the ground in the Seventies, features on the cover.

The book records that Bradfordians as prominent as JB Priestley and David Hockney protested in vain against that wanton destruction.

Now, in the 21st century, councillors are hell-bent on destroying the Odeon, our 20th century heritage.

To reduce their desire to interfere the council's mantra should be: We've made awful mistakes in the past but we promise not to destroy anymore of Bradford's heritage from now on'.

The city could then move forward to construct new buildings on brown field sites to complement the existing architecture and not replace it.

Steve Rossiter, Park Drive, Heaton