SIR - I was saddened to read the obituary (T&A, December 12) for Peter Wilson, of Calverley. He was, as many readers will recall, a regular and lively contributor to your letters page over many years.

His letters were topical, concise, and well-argued. He possessed a strong sense of irony, and I was frequently entertained, as doubtless he was, by the letters published in response whose writers had failed to spot it.

He certainly raised the quality of any debate in which he took part.

There aren't too many contributors close to his standard, more's the pity.

Robert Appleby, Hopefield Way, Bradford

  • SIR - With sadness I have heard of the death of a regular contributor to the T&A letters page.

Peter Wilson, although often controversial, regularly brought intelligence and wit to even the most serious of subjects.

Too ill to contribute in recent months, his passing is already being missed by the "Your Letters" section.

Roger Parkinson, Thornton Road, Four Lane