SIR - Oh dear! Now the whole world will know of the vandalism which has taken place in Bradford.

And all caused by the planners' who have "vandalised so much of its Victorian fabric" as architectural critic Gavin Stamp writes in his just-published book Britain's Lost Cities'.

One of the examples he gives is Kirkgate Market, with its wonderful façade, which was knocked down and replaced with an ugly concrete shopping centre.

Like the concrete National Provincial building and the post-war flats, these constructions seem to have been planned to have very limited life. The magnificent Victorian buildings were intended to last for years.

It's a wonder when they suggested the ridiculous pond around City Hall that they didn't demolish this classic building.

Gavin Stamp, like the small boy and the Emperor's new suit of clothes, sees what our councillors and planners have not and which, to many citizens, has been so outstandingly obvious.

Peter A Rushforth, Sutton Drive, Cullingworth