SIR - It's a bit rich for proprietors of pubs, clubs, restaurants etc, to whinge now about the smoking ban (T&A, December 15).

They had two years' notice of this edict, during which time they did absolutely nothing!

If every proprietor had spoken to their MP using the line: "If you support this ban, I will let all my customers, i.e. your constituents, know what you are proposing to do to my business and their enjoyment, and strongly suggest they transfer their vote", I wonder how many MPs would have had the courage to resist that threat?

I know that my non-smoking, teetotal MP voted against it, but he really wants to retain his seat.

It would have taken less than 15 per cent of MPs to wobble and the ban would never have happened.

For my own part, I have not spent a penny in local restaurants, pubs or clubs since July 1, nor shall I until reason prevails - and that's only one person who previously dined out around three times every week.

So here's your incentive, proprietors - do now what you should have done then, and you may still be in time to save your businesses.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon