SIR - John Hall (T&A, December 13) should know that the Scots use their extra £11.3 billion to fund the following: Free unlimited bus and rail travel, plus Home Care for pensioners, as well as much more generous residential care payments, free higher education for Scottish students, proposals for a freeze on Council Tax and free prescriptions. None of these are available to us English!

Scots also have much better access to expensive cancer drugs and other treatments not available in England.

For every £1,000 per head in England, the UK Government spends £3,000 in Ulster and £1,750 in Wales. Once again the major revenue providers are bottom of the list.

Repeated letters to local Labour MPs have resulted in no discernible action. Only Philip Davies has helped.

Those of us who complain about this shameful treatment of the English, have a legitimate grievance. We are certainly not "Little Englanders."

North sea oil is UK oil, not the sole property of the Scots!

Dave Murgatroyd, Briarwood Drive, Wibsey