SIR - It was a Wednesday evening.

The weather forecasters all seemed to speak with one voice, it was going to be very cold. It was one of those night's when if you didn't have to go out you wouldn't. So why did I go out?

It was the annual Bradford West Rotary Club Carol Concert at Clayton Parish Church, which featured the Clayton C of E School Choir and Free Spirit, a very talented group of lady singers.

Congratulations to Bradford West Rotary Club and also to Free Spirit and the choir for an excellent evening.

Mr Paul Iredale, musical director, and Mrs Judy Coles, conductor of the school choir must have been delighted with the choir who, as usual were excellent.

In a varied programme they performed, for the first time in public You'll Never Walk Alone - Rogers and Hammerstein would have been delighted.

If you get the chance to hear and see the choir and also Free Spirit do not miss the chance.

Congratulations to all concerned, this is already on my list of highlights for the Christmas period.

Was it worth going out on a cold and frosty night? It certainly was. I hope Bradford West will arrange again next year.

Dennis Delaney, The Avenue, Clayton, Bradford