SIR - Just what planet is Mrs Sinclair on (T&A, December 10)?

In an ideal world, yes, we would all love to have an architecturally elegant building in Bingley, but unless Mrs Sinclair and the rest of her like-minded friends are willing to find the extra millions, then this will never happen.

To say the developers of the Bingley shopping centre are twisting people's arms as a threat is rubbish. We will end up with the less-developed scheme.

Does she really think the developers have the extra millions it would cost to pull the entire building down and start again?

The Bradford & Bingley Building Society is already an eyesore; compared to an elegant building it would look ten times worse.

Mrs Sinclair should remember, you cannot make a silk purse out of a pig's ear!

Jill Gill, Rombalds Drive, Gilstead, Bingley