SIR - We now have correspondents from Scotland telling us what we all should have realised for ourselves by now.

It really is time that this city of ours be rescued from the vandalism of the bungling and inept triumvirate that is oblivious to all sense and reason.

They pull down the shopping centre of our town on the promise of better things. Who in their right mind would have allowed a company to tear the heart out of the town without a firm commitment to its rebuilding?

Who would take the word of that company when it is so obvious they have not obtained sufficient take-up from reliable shops and stores so they sign up another hotel chain? We need shops not hotels.

Who in their right mind would want to destroy another of our iconic buildings in order to replace it with another square glass eyesore?

Again despite the mess the city centre is still in, who would issue plans to pull down other parts of the city until we see some fruits of the work in progress?

We hear of plans to develop St George's Hall into a decent concert venue. What planet are these people on?

St George's Hall is a wonderful old building and can prove to be an asset to the city in some way, but from an audience point of view it is in no way a concert hall.

E Kemp, Town Lane, Idle, Bradford