SIR - I despair for this country and the way it is heading.

The wanton burning to the ground of the guide hut in Guiseley, which was used for many things in the community, is beyond all reason.

There have been a number of these types of buildings, cricket huts, etc, that have suffered the same fate, and it does not seem anyone has the answer to the hooligans who creep about under the cover of darkness and set light to something that will spoil other people's pleasure.

They make sure they are not seen, because they are such cowards and nasty people, who can find nothing better to do with their time.

The Government and the do-gooders are always going on about these types of hooligans who, poor things, have nowhere to go in their spare time, and then they talk of the centres that should be built for them.

Well I for one would not contribute one penny for this type of recreation for them until they make retribution for all the buildings that have been destroyed by them as they deserve nothing.

B J Rudd, Roger Court, Undercliffe, Bradford