Today's schoolchildren are tomorrow's citizens of an increasingly more intimate global village. As technology and communications advance at a sometimes alarming rate, we must prepare our young people to be well equipped to deal with the demands of this brave new world.

Which is why Belle Vue Girls' School's forging of links with an educational establishment in China is definitely the way forward.

As one of the fastest growing economies in the world, China is destined to be a major player on the world stage within just a few short years.

Business leaders have already identified China as a potential powerful force in all sectors of future life and although this vast land to the east can sometimes seem exotic and mysterious, it is in all our interests to have a better understanding of this colossal country.

By learning how their opposite numbers spend their time, immersing themselves in the culture of China and even learning a smattering of Mandarin, Belle Vue's pupils will be putting themselves on the starting blocks to come to terms with the changing face of global politics.

Other schools can certainly take a leaf out of Belle Vue's book and take the long view when it comes to learning about our neighbours - both close by and far away - in a world that is seeing the barriers that keep people apart brought down by the day.