SIR - Mr Bird seems to put all his eggs in one basket (T&A Letters, December 10).

Speed cameras have cut speeding dramatically, also accidents, especially serious crashes, where overtaking on bends and downhill gradients were common.

Now, when one is driving around, you can see that most people (in fact all people when I am out driving) slow down to within the speed limit. If people want to speed and get a speed ticket then that is up to them.

As accidents have decreased this is a great improvement, as without the cameras accidents certainly would have increased, and I would think by quite a large percentage.

We also need to keep a check on where, when, cause, age of drivers and how many in speed camera zones to see fully the advantage of speed cameras and as many accidents are due to poor overtaking, this is surely speed related?

L Scholes, Chellow Grange Road, Bradford