SIR - As a business owner in Bradford, I feel the need to pen my concerns over the way the government is really starting to dictate to the population.

I opened my nightclub in May, 2007. I was already very aware of the smoking ban that was coming into force. However, I believed this would not affect businesses whatsoever.

Bankruptcy seems to be the trend at the minute due to businesses not being able to perform and I now believe this is due to the smoking ban.

Surveys have been carried out and many say they prefer the no-smoking law. Fine, their choice, but what about people who do smoke?

These people who prefer it had the choice in the earlier days to stay at home but still chose to come out and mix with smokers. Now, people who do smoke are being penalised.

It worked before the smoking ban, so why change it?

Many businesses are closing due to the bullying of the Government.

If we all made a stand they would have to sit up and listen, but the Government is happy to allow people to fall into debt. After all, they make millions from cigarette and booze taxes don't they?

Mark Moorhouse, Mandale Road, Bradford