This time of year tends to bring out some of the best characteristics in people, be it generosity or selflessness, for example. One thinks of parents making sure their children have everything possible on Christmas morning or volunteers sacrificing their own time to make sure others less fortunate than themselves have a meal and party on the big day.

There are, however, those who see the festivities as just another opportunity to line their own pockets any way they can; the crooks, swindlers and profiteers out to make the most of the fact people are often hurried, hassled and, therefore, vulnerable in the run up to December 25.

Consumer watchdogs know this is the time when these parasites are out and about and have issued a list of some of the main things to watch out for. These include such staples as counterfeit goods - which are often of poor quality, carry no guarantees and can even be dangerous. The experts also say that doorstep sellers should be treated with extreme caution as they may just be looking for a way into your home to see what they can steal. The list also contains some useful safety tips, from checking food, to making sure your fairy lights work properly and comply with national standards.

All of this will be familiar to most readers but may not be uppermost in their minds during the rush to get everything done in time. That is what makes this gentle reminder so timely and if it spares anyone the misery of a spoilt Christmas, it will have been well worth it.