SIR - I was privileged to attend the most recent production of the Youth Theatre at the Alhambra Studio. We had three of our students performing.

The production entitled It Couldn't Happen Again - Could It?" dealt with the Holocaust. The young people involved in the show clearly had learned an enormous amount about how the Jews, and others, were persecuted and murdered by Nazis in the 1940s.

Similarly, the primary school children who made up the audience and asked pertinent and probing questions at the end of the show will have gained much from their experience.

I understand without continued funding Twisting Yarn will be forced to close. If this happens the arts in Bradford will be the poorer and young people who learn so much from drama will miss out on this rich and character-forming experience.

Given the Government announcement that it will be encouraging schools to increase the time young people devote to the arts, closure of such a wonderful resource seems perverse to say the least.

I hope those who have the power and ability to save Twisting Yarn will reconsider their position and support such a worthwhile resource.

Mrs L M O'Reilly, Head Teacher, Tong High School, Westgate Hill Street, Bradford