Another disaster SIR - Is there no end to the disasters created by this massively incompetent Government?

Now we learn that a prisoner, released early as part of a government plan to reduce jail overcrowding, has gone on to murder his girlfriend just five days after being released.

This is not the first time this has happened and is down totally to Gordon Brown's refusal to provide enough money for prison building.

Justice Secretary Jack Straw said it was "a shameful murder" and "a huge matter of regret" that it happened. Exactly, Mr Straw, and your Government should be ashamed of itself.

The Government had already been warned the early release scheme was a disaster, that men with a history of violence against their partners were being let out without proper checks, and that this scheme put members of the public at risk and should be scrapped immediately.

The killing of Amanda Murphy by a man who should have been in prison has tragically demonstrated just how true this is.

How much longer must we suffer this band of incompetents who seem to flounder from one disaster to another on an almost daily basis?

Malcolm Wood, Westercroft View, Northowram