SIR - Like Bruce Barnes (T&A, December 10) I am saddened by the threatened demise of The Priestley but feel it is not just the lack of disabled access but its very situation plus the lack of advertising which is the cause.

I used to attend the theatre regularly, with great pleasure, but have not been for years. I have no idea what performance is currently showing due to lack of advertising, while the theatre is situated in a very vulnerable part of the city, too far from the Interchange for a woman to walk safely late at night.

There is no car park and vehicles parked on side streets are regularly targeted by thieves and vandals.

We lost our beloved Princess Theatre many years ago and were promised a second theatre - another broken promise.

Now the threatened loss of The Priestley leaves Bradford yet again unable to compete in the arts with other cities.

May I suggest the former ballroom of the New Victoria (Odeon) when renovated would make an ideal venue for the New Priestley (or New Princess) theatre shared, perhaps, with our local amateur dramatic groups who at present have no home in Bradford?

Elaine Neale, Gordon Terrace, Sherborne Road. Idle