All shook up...

SIR - A group of nine of us went to St George's Hall to see an Elvis impersonator, Lee Memphis' King.

While he was very good, the evening was spoiled by two things.

Firstly the show was 20 minutes late starting. Everyone was seated, but nothing happened. There was no announcement to tell us what was going on. While I can accept that from time to time some problem may have arisen after the audience was seated, why couldn't an announcement have been made telling the audience what was going on?

Bradford Council supposedly prides itself on keeping people informed; it's a pity this policy has not permeated itself down to the people running the theatres.

Secondly why do they allow people to take drinks into the auditorium and why do they continue serving throughout the show?

The show was ruined for many people by a group in the upper circle who were in and out to the bar throughout the show. They were also talking throughout until the artist asked the management to sort it out.

Until these problems are sorted out we will not be going back again.

Keith Pickles, Delph Drive, Clayton It's no deterrent SIR - It is heartening to note the judiciary are constant in their punishments against crime.

It has been written by many people that it is cheaper to run a car without a licence, MOT, or insurance, as the fines are lower than the costs.

I now see this principle has been applied to the supermarkets. It is noted (T&A, December 8) that they have been found to have been price fixing on milk, and that the excess profits from this enterprise amount to about £270 million.

This has caused them to be fined the amount of £116million, a net income of £154million. So I have to ask, "Where is the deterrent"?

A G Goldsbrough, Dale Court, Fieldway, Ilkley