SIR - The police on strike? Who will notice other than the poor old motorist travelling two or three miles over the speed limit?

Certainly, other than the local neighbourhood-type coppers (willing but not fully policemen and women) we see around this area - there may as well not be any police force.

They are a vanishing species and this is probably due to their wages not keeping up with the cost of living. When the average wage is said to be more than £600, the police, with the 2.5 per cent rise will see their princely wages up to around £413 for a basic copper.

Hardly encouraging is it?

If they were paid in accordance to how important they used to be, prior to spending all their working hours chasing the poor old motorist and the little boys who carelessly drop a chip or something, then their wages should be at least £600 per week.

Whoops! Another excuse to put up council tax!

Phil Boase, Elizabeth Street, Wyke