SIR - The police know they have many enemies. I do not believe they knew our Government was one of them.

As a life-long supporter of the Labour Party I will now withdraw my vote and hope others do the same.

A 2.5 per cent pay rise is derisory in terms of the service they provide. However, it was one the police were willing to accept as it was agreed by independent arbitration.

The fact this government has chosen to ignore this body of advice is nothing short of a national scandal that the public should be seriously concerned about.

Comparison to other public sector workers is misleading, and while I would not wish to denigrate the role of teachers, social workers, etc, who are vital, I do not think anyone could argue that the police provide an entirely different and much more risky service.

Morale for such a vital service is crucial. I do not believe our police will strike, they have too much respect and concern for the public.

However, the moral high ground could ultimately cost this country the protection we deserve and expect.

Maxine Hayman, Shelley Grove, Bradford