SIR - Further to the new blue plaques to be placed at designated sites (T&A, December 3) I have noted the list of nominations put forward.

While most would be worthy candidates, I feel there is one glaring omission - Frederick Delius.

Possibly there has been a plaque to his memory in the past, presumably at his birthplace - 6 Claremont.

However, on a recent visit to the premises I could find nothing to this effect. This is no doubt due to the building's present incumbent - the Delius pub!

I was appalled to observe the state of what in earlier days must have been a magnificent Victorian town-house, now reduced to a students' watering-hole.

I feel that blame should be laid firmly at the feet of Bradford's cultural supremos who condoned this insensitive transmogrification in the first place.

Delius was born and bred in Bradford, attended Bradford Grammar School and his piano is preserved in Bolling Hall.

As far as is known, he is the only truly classical composer of renown whom the city can claim as its own son, and, short of reclaiming the house itself, appropriate recognition has long been overdue.

Derek Mozley, Moorhead Terrace, Shipley