SIR - Yet another attack on "The Scots".

Dave Murgatroyd's figures (T&A, December 6) suggest that Scotland gets £6-£8 billion more than they produce in revenue including from oil, though "we" have benefited much more from Scottish oil over the years.

We (English) could not "keep a whole £47 billion" if Scotland became independent.

Furthermore, he should more accurately say that "taxpayers in England" (including Welsh, Irish and Scots), "subsidise free Scottish services", rather than "English taxpayers" which is divisive and ignores those of other backgrounds paying tax in England.

Can we give "them" what "they" want (independence)? The truth is, most Scots seem to value The Union, despite attacks from some Little Englanders.

Public spending, for example, on roads is inevitably much more per resident in remote areas of these islands with their low and scattered population - including much of Scotland, the Lakes, Cornwall, etc - we can all (English included) travel there and access many public services, free of charge.

If Scotland's share of national revenue is too generous, Parliament should look at this. After all "we" English outnumber "them" considerably.

Try writing to your MP with your objections.

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon