SIR - No doubt most of your readers know that Teddy bears were originally named after the American President Theodore Roosevelt who was, rather alarmingly, a big game hunter.

But it was such a relief that Mrs Gillian Gibbons, left, was released (T&A, December 4) and especially encouraging that Muslim peers and members of our community made such measured, sensitive statements over this sad misunderstanding.

It bodes well for our future as a multi-faith society.

On a more banal, lightweight note do any readers recall the cartoonist David Low?

Just before the war he named his pet, mangy mongrel Mussolini and mused whether the first protest would come from the Italian Embassy or the Canine Defence League!

It was, I think, Mark Twain who reckoned Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand' and Low went on to prove him right with his wartime drawings of Hit and Muss' often riding on a tandem and usually falling off!

Sid Brown, Glenhurst, Shipley