SIR - I have never written to a newspaper before, but the proposed new shopping centre building for Bingley so appals me, I had to protest.

Bingley is basically an old town with some gracious and beautiful old buildings; marred at present by the shoddy and ill-designed shopping centre and the B&B concrete disaster.

I assumed the idea of replacing the shopping centre would providean opportunity to improve the centre of Bingley.

But instead of something classic and well-designed, which would stand the test of years, make a statement in good taste, and blend with most of Bingley, we have been presented with a monstrosity, which will overpower the centre by its size and brash design.

Milton Keynes could take it, but not an old market town like Bingley, or is the idea to submerge what is old, just because it is old; rather than to match and equal it?

Is this an attempt to destroy the ethos of the town, rather than to improve it?

Even if you remove the top layer of the suggested building, it would be an improvement! The whole balance and design is tasteless in the extreme.

Dr Kathy Tedd, Langley Road, Bingley