SIR - Brian Holmans (T&A, December 6) says: "Should David Cameron ever come to form a government he will have been elected in no small part because of his party's hatred of all things European".

This explains, presumably, why three successive Conservative prime ministers, Heath, Thatcher and Major treasonously violated England's written constitution, comprising Magna Carta (1215) and the Bill of Rights (1688), by signing three EU treaties incrementally dispossessing our elected MPs of the governance of this country and handing it to unelected bureaucrats irremovably entrenched in a foreign city.

Blair and Brown have signed the remaining four.

Like millions of others, Mr Holmans is hoodwinked by the fabricated deception that there are differences between the Conservatives, New Labour and the Liberal Democrats. In truth, they are three heads of the same Euro-federalist beast.

In what the EU leaders openly call Europe's "post-democratic era", those three party labels will be abolished but, to maintain the deception, there are to be two new, pan-European ones for our MPs to join: the European Social Democrats and the European Democratic Union.

There will be no difference between these two either, just new labels, same old can of worms.

Noel A Shaw, Thornton Road, Thornton