SIR - With Westfield's ongoing failure to restore the city centre, it may be many more months, or even years, before any progress is made.

So, ahead of that, why not put tarmac on an acre of the site to provide Bradford's frustrated car-cruisers' somewhere safe to show off their vehicles and prowess?

These (mostly) respectable young men lavish vast amounts of time, money and care on their Corsas and Saxos but, wherever they gather to share their achievements with peers, they are unwanted, locked out, barriered and generally harassed.

If we want to help them to conduct their pastime in safety and to relieve current cruise-neighbours of their concerns, this would seem to be a potentially productive use for that long-vacant and isolated piece of land.

And, in doing so, we could then avoid these young men becoming marginalised from a society which we really want them all to join.

With Westfield's usual rate of progress, it might even become a permanent attraction!

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon