SIR - May I endorse Steve Arloff's letter (T&A, December 7) in support of The Priestley. The Bradford Stage and Theatre School has been at The Priestley since the mantle of acting and stage education was passed on to them some years ago.

Children and young people attend the school on Saturday mornings and their latent talents and aspirations are developed so that many of them go on to perform as juveniles, for the various amateur theatre societies in Bradford.

The students really appreciate the opportunity of learning in a theatrical atmosphere, using a real stage, dressing rooms, costume department and the technical side of the theatre and of acting.

The Priestley supports the school at all times and in its endeavours.

Each year the school presents a show on the main stage of The Priestley, and this year they are producing a comedy entitled The Roman Invasion of Ramsbottom.

I urge people to attend the show on Saturday, December 15, and show their support for The Priestley and the school.

I would like to extend Steve's final remarks and say - this must not be the final curtain.

David Cardozo, Hon Treasurer, Bradford Stage & Theatre School, Parkfield Road, Bradford