SIR - There is much to commend in Chief Constable Sir Norman Bettinson's approach outlined in the Saturday Interview (T&A, December 8).

Like many I welcome the priority given to local policing teams as a priority, not an add-on. The benefits for all of us working to improve communities will, I feel, be great.

On drugs I am not so sure, while I agree revisiting the category for cannabis is sensible. However, the Home Secretary cannot win. As I recall, it was the chief police officers' body ACPO which went furthest in arguing for the policing benefits of the change.

Of even greater concern, surely, is the serious lack of treatment facilities and support for those affected by alcohol misuse - only two detoxification beds for the whole of Bradford is a serious problem.

Building developments that create binge drinking runs while having so few facilities to tackle the consequences, will only add to policing and other problems.

The Crime and Disorder Partnership in Bradford needs to get on with improving these services as a matter of urgency. I hope we have the chief constable's support.

Councillor Ralph Berry (Lab, Wibsey) City Hall, Bradford