SIR - Having read about the proposed CCTV focus on tab ends littering our public highways (T&A, December 8) I am shocked at what has been put forward by Bradford Council and their continued disregard for publicans like myself and the bully tactics used.

I own The Brewery Tap in Idle and smoke myself. The majority of my customers still smoke in my beer garden, a place I clean daily and remove tab ends and cigarette packets, etc, from.

I also have an ash bin at the front of my building and again sweep daily.

But what about the takeaway papers and containers that are not cleaned up by the food outlets that provide this packaging, will they be policed as well?

Again it seems pubs are being blamed for what is an historic problem that was never sorted out in the first place, and all Bradford Council wants to do is spend even more money on CCTV rather than employing more people to clean the street properly.

R Rubery, Brewery Tap Inn, Idle