SIR - I would like to echo the lack of confidence in Bradford Centre Regeneration expressed by other readers.

I fear that this lack of confidence is totally justified, and stems from a lack of confidence in the whole project by the board of the URC Itself.

Take the chairman, Michael Ziff, as an example. He is chief executive of Stylo plc, owner of Barratts Shoes - the very same Barratts Shoes that closed down in Bradford. Peter Marks, also on the board, is chief executive of United Co-Operatives. That would be the same United Co-Operatives that closed down Bradford city centre's only department store.

Jan Anderson and Dave Custance are from Yorkshire Forward, the organisation that makes no bones about citing one of its main aims as: "developing Leeds's role as the regional capital"?

Notwithstanding this, the fact that BCR has repeatedly and unrepentantly ignored and overridden the wishes of the vast majority of Bradfordians is enough to remove much of their credibility.

The residents of Bradford should be able to hold these people to account and, should they fail to perform, be allowed to directly elect a board in which they have faith.

Richard Killip, Victoria Street, Dunfermline